I’ve come up with a way to make a antenna from faraday fabric. Yes you read that right. Fabric! This is the ultimate SOTA POTA IOTA antenna. It handles wet conditions, rolls up into a pocket, and weighs in at a 1.4oz. Have a watch and here are all the links mentioned in the video.
Email list: http://eepurl.com/iGP0Ck
Plans including the STL files: https://www.patreon.com/HamRadioRookie/shop/fara-j-2m-70cm-antenna-88511
Patreon Membership (you will get this, past and future plans if you subscribe) https://www.patreon.com/HamRadioRookie
Parts list https://amzn.to/41BPB28
KB9VBR Antennas! https://www.youtube.com/@KB9VBRAntennas
Maybe interested in purchasing an antenna. Many Thanks.
Awesome can I add you to my mailing list? If so what is your callsign and Ill do it for you
I’m not a Ham in the USA, I work with an overseas organization, and I’d love to buy 10 of these please!
I am struggling with keeping them in stock. I sell them now at VFComms.com . Right now I will have a limited number availible on friday and am working on a batch of 500 to get out to the world. Please be patient I am doing my best to get these to you.
I am very interested in buying your antennas. As your production allows, please advise of price and availability. A good operator can never have enough antennas.
73, W4XCO
does anybody know how many watts this antenna can handle?
We have tested it to 50 with no issues